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Adding more staff members

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Posttktalker1 1/1/2018, 12:08

hello i think so u guys need more staff beacuse theres alot of spwan killers and telekillers when ever i use !support spwan killer it says a mod will teleport to u as soon as possible been 1 hour :/

PostFrancis 1/1/2018, 15:02

If it's really that easy, we will have many mods, but it's not. Players need to applying for the moderator rank, since we are not giving free mods and if nobody is applying, we can't do anything.

Posttktalker1 1/1/2018, 21:03

u can do something which u could tell them to be active this week certain hours or rank automatically will be demoted

PostXFury 19/2/2018, 20:30

Bruh all you need is to take screenshots and make videos
And report it . then, admins/mods will punish them.
As Francis said it's not easy to get mods .
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